How(e) Creative Studio

presents my work, my collections of vintage and up-thrifted items, the work of occasional guest artists, and hosts workshops & events. Located at 35 Pine Ave. in the Village of Haliburton.

It’s my working studio, office, & presentation space, as well as my living room, kitchen, home and entire life - all jammed into one very eclectic room.

You are required to book an appointment to come inside. No drop ins outside of scheduled events. Contact me in advance and come see what’s happening!

Photo Gallery of the digs:

Blast from the past…

You might remember me from my “old” studio – it was one of the last “tar paper shacks” from the historic logging days of the Redstone Lake area. This studio is now CLOSED, but I’ve included a couple shots here for schmaltz. She was another great example of taking something long in the tooth and making it beautiful again.